Thursday, August 10, 2006

... och sedan det här.

Så, ni suckers som fortfarande inte anmält er - en hamburgare smakar som bäst efter två timmars viktkontroll.

Efteranmälan fram till en timme innan start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okey, I think I got it now. First we gonna swim for ever wearing slim speedos, then we gonna pedal for a while on a bike not made for speed, and then, in the end, when the area between the rear bums are really irretated, run for five k´s? And all this to get a crappy burger?

No. In my world can I get a burger when ever I´ll want, so why did I sign up for this? The answer is pretty easy, to beat Barbara Buzz with miles and hours. Just imagine the blog after the defeat... he, he...

So, the one´s who hasn´t signed up yet, common, don´t miss out on that feeling.